Fire Rite touched by Perkunas

Fire Rite touched by Perkunas

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

New sanctuary for adherents of Romuva!

 Breaking news from Romuva in Lithuania:

Romuva established a sanctuary to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the birth of Jonas Gediminas Beržanskis - Klausutis in an area of Lithuania known as Beržytė.

The following is a translation of the event:
This year we celebrate the 160th anniversary of the birth of Jonas Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis (JGBK), the successor of the Old Lithuanian Faith. In the spring, on this occasion, a Remembrance Grove was planted in the Seredžius precinct in the village of Ramovė, near Berzytė's homestead . Asta and Arvydas Sviderskis, the owners of Berzytė's single-family home, actively took up the activities of planting a grove and setting up a sanctuary in Berzytė. The helpers came from Kaunas, Kaunas district, Seredžias, Veliuona and Jurbarkas. Gintaras Gediminas, JGBK's grandson by right of trust, handed over the historical JGBK altar to Kaunas Romuva. This is how the altar came to Berzytė's homestead. Berzytė's shrine was established here with the efforts of the enthusiasts of the Nemunas Roman Catholic Church, the presentation of which took place on September 25.

I think that it's bizarre that the Catholic church would be involved at all but perhaps I shouldn't be surprised!

I didn't know anything about this man so I did some research. Here's a bio of Jonas Gediminas Beržanskis!

I was curious to know who he is and was! Very interesting man! I never knew about him! He is not taught about in Australian schools but I'm sure he is in Lithuanian schools!
Sit back with a cuppa because it's a long read and translated from an "Alkas" article published on the 25th of August, 2022.
August 25 it is 160 years since Jonas Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis was born in Pluogai homestead, Viekšniai village (Mažeikių district) - Lithuanian historian, journalist, public figure, confessor and restorer of the old Baltic faith.
J. Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis has revealed his princely origin in the genealogy of Garbė's Pomian family and is characterized by a firm and unyielding attitude to consider himself a follower of the ancient Lithuanian faith.
"After publishing (the tsar's) highest manifesto (17.X.1905) about "given to people in the Russian Empire various new rights, liberties and freedom of conscience... Finding it necessary to use the freedom of conscience marked in the manifesto, I... 22.X.1905 from Dvinsk, I sent my request to the Prime Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers in Petrapilis to recognize and read me as a follower of the ancient Lithuanian faith , as I really have been since my childhood", wrote JG Beržanskis-Klausutis.
For almost 10 years there was a persistent correspondence with the officials of the Russian tsarist government and only in 1915. June 14 In Dvinsk, Jonas Gediminas-Beržanskis-Klausutis received the answer that there are no obstacles from the Russian Empire Government to consider him a person of the ancient Lithuanian faith.
After publishing (the tsar's) highest manifesto (17.X.1905) about "given to people in the Russian Empire various new rights, liberties and freedom of conscience... Finding it necessary to use the freedom of conscience marked in the manifesto, I... 22.X.1905 from Dvinsk, I sent my request to the Prime Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers in Petrapilis to recognize and read me as a follower of the ancient Lithuanian faith , as I really have been since my childhood", wrote JG Beržanskis-Klausutis.
For almost 10 years there was a persistent correspondence with the officials of the Russian tsarist government and only in 1915. June 14 In Dvinsk, Jonas Gediminas-Beržanskis-Klausutis received the answer that there are no obstacles from the Russian Empire Government to consider him a person of the ancient Lithuanian faith.
The Romuvians, the successors of the old Baltic faith, consider this day as a testimony of the continuity and rebirth of the ancient Lithuanian faith.
The Romuvians, the successors of the old Baltic faith, consider this day as a testimony of the continuity and rebirth of the ancient Lithuanian
J.Gediminas-Beržanskis-Klausutis was born in Žemaitia, in Viekšnii village, in Pluogai, in the family of free farmers - Jonas and Barbora Šiuipaitė-Beržanskiu. The Beržanskis did not know serfdom, and their family kept stories that they were descended from those noble Beržanskis who descended from Gedimin's son Klausutis.
From his young days, J. Gediminas-Beržanskis - Klausutis became interested in the genealogy of his family and decided to research it. After 40 years of persistent work, we managed to compile a long family genealogy, in which it is concluded that the Beržanski family really originates from Gedimin's son Klausutis.
For almost 30 years, J. Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis not only worked in government services, but also actively participated in the national movement of the 19th century. the end of the 20th century in the opening movement. Even in his youth, he saw how his mother accepted and hid the Lithuanian press, how she sorted it and handed it over to the booksellers.
While studying at the Šiauliai Gymnasium, he was the leader of the secret gymnasium students' library. The library, which contained about 3,000 books, was hidden in the house of Count Vladimir Zubov's parents. While studying at St. Petersburg University, 1884-1885. together with his brother Ludviks Beržanskis (1864.I.10 – 1888.V.23) published the hectographed newspaper Žiniai nešės (Messenger). While studying in Warsaw together with V. Kudirka, he worked in the Lithuanian Students' Association, and contributed a lot to the establishment
"Varpos" and "Ūkininkas". He supported the secret transportation of the press, was its distributor and bookseller.
Maintained close relations with J. Basanavičius. Collaborated with Varpa, Aušra, Žemaičiai and Lithuanian Review, Žinyčia, Ūkininke, Lietuvių Laikrashtis, Vilnius News , etc. He used the pseudonyms Dagis, JK., J. Kadagios, Klausutis, Vapsva, Keleivis.
in 1905 participated in the work of the Great Vilnius Seimas. One of the first members of the Lithuanian Science Society. in 1906 together with other intellectuals signed a memorandum to Pope Pius X in which Lithuanian churches were asked to use the Lithuanian language. As the 250th anniversary of the death of historian A. Vijukas-Kojelavicius was approaching, Jonas Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausučius came up with the idea of ​​commemorating it on a national scale. Coming from rich nobles, A. Vijukas-Kojelavičius was born in 1606. Kaunas, died in 1677. in Warsaw. The main commemoration took place in 1927. December 27 of officers in Ramovė, which was also
The event, which was very successful and aroused the interest of the highest representatives of the government, science, art and the public, was a great impulse to create the Society of Lithuanian Nobles (in 1928), whose chairman was elected Jonas Gediminas-Beržanskis-Klausutis
Through his efforts in 1930 the 500th anniversary of the death of Vytautas the Great was celebrated throughout Lithuania.
For special merits, the President of the State in 1933 Jonas Gediminas-Beržanskis-Klausutis was awarded the Order of Gediminas by the DLK with the rank of father.
Jonas Gediminas-Beržanskis-Klausutis constantly published the attitudes and thoughts of his natural faith in the press. He published three publications - "ANSWER to critics of the image. 25.I.1929", "BOW to the Board of the Bank of Lithuania and all its employees. 8.Xii. 8.XII.1928", "Ancient Lithuanian faith. What does the word "Criwe" mean? 1928".
As can be seen from the versatile, albeit incomplete, characterization of Jonas Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis' activities, he was indeed an extraordinary and colorful personality who did not belong to any political party. Unfortunately, little is known to the general public then and now.
Despite the incessant disturbances due to the recognition of princely origin, due to natural faith, it can reasonably be said that it was only thanks to his education, perseverance and perseverance and indomitability that he achieved his honorably. Now Romuva , the community of the Old White faith, which professes the faith of its ancestors, but for 30 years has not been recognized by the tsarist government, but by its own independent Lithuanian government, is also striving for this.
J. Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis, as a follower of the ancient Lithuanian faith, wished that after his death his body would be burned according to the faith of his ancestors. His will was fulfilled on 12.07.1936. He was buried in Kaunas Romuvos cemetery.
April 9 of this year. in the village of Ramovė near Serežius, in the Berzytė homestead, the people of Romuva planted a sacred oak grove dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of J. Gediminas Beržanskiis-Klausučiis .
About 50 like-minded helpers from 5 regions of Lithuania participated in the talk.
Also Gintaras Gediminas, grandson of J. Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis, with his family. After that, a ceremony was held at the established sanctuary of Berzytė Romuva.
Here, too, the construction of the Romuvii grotto žinycia (museum) has begun, where the altar of J. Gediminas Beržanskis-Klausutis will be kept. His grandson Gintaras Gediminas handed it over to Kaunas Romuva by right of trust.

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