Fire Rite touched by Perkunas

Fire Rite touched by Perkunas

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ten commandments

These are my commandments that I live by and they have led me to a place of harmony with the world around me, my Ancestors, My Gods and my community. These commandments keep me connected with the here and now and I have found the wisdom of the ancients within me. 

My Ten commandments 
(Photo of the Home alka, sanctuary of Romuva) 

1. Waste not the gifts of the Earth lest you go hungry.
Every crumb is a sacred gift.
 Every scrap of food can be either composted or fed to the birds and other animals.

2. Do not kill,all life is sacred.
Trees,animals,human, Rock,Waters and Earth.
The earth's nature and it's creatures is sacred,
it is from where we began and where we shall end.

3. Honour the Ancestors and deceased loved ones.
They gave their everything for you to be here today with so many liberties and blessings.

4. Honour the Elders,their wisdom is beyond value.
They hold the memory of times and values gone by.

5. In all things, nurture nature as the seasons turn. Grow an edible garden,plant trees and flowering plants for the Bees 

6. Recycle,Re use,Reduce! and do not litter!
 The Earth's resources are limited. 

7. Honour the Gods and Goddess of nature and Earth. With their blessings,you may increase your share.
Celebrate the passing seasons and their Deities of time and space.

8. Visit the sacred places at special times for direct contact, guidance and solace from the Gods,Guides and Totems.

9. Create community where ever you are. Hive of humanity can learn from lessons of the past and our ancestors.We will find a new way forward through the strife on Earth at present.

10. Watch for signs and wonders and just let the Universe and ancestors, guide you and yo won't go astray. 
Trust,let go,let the Gods.    

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